For Instructors

The Activity Guide for GONE CAMPING and GONE FISHING is here.


Here is the Activity Guide for THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO GOBBLED A SKINK:


Here is the activity guide for THIS OLD BAND:


Here are two older resources for teachers who would like to use GONE FISHING in their classrooms.

The Gone Fishing Teacher's Guide!

In 2013 Marcie Flinchum Atkins, a fifth grade teacher in Virginia, wrote a wonderful and thorough poetry unit based on the poetry in GONE FISHING. I welcome you to use it in your classroom. Here's the link: GONE FISHING Mentor Text Lesson Plan


The First Book I Remember Reading

When I was very young, I loved rhymes. One of the first books I ever owned was “Over in the Meadow,” illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats, based on the original version by Olive A. Wadsworth. The book was a gift from my grandparents and uncle and it came with a record. (I still have the book!)  I loved the rhythm and rhymes and the great feeling of independence to be able to read along and sing with the record.

My First Favorite Book!


As I grew older, that love of rhyme led to a love of stories. Characters came to life in my imagination as I lived the adventures or trouble that they encountered. My love of poetry and stories led to a love of reading and ultimately to my desire to write my own stories and poetry.